Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Step by Step Instructions on LED Curing CANNI Nail Polish

1) Prep the nails! Use cuticle remover, buff the nail and use rubbing alcohol to remove any excess oils from the nail. (You can prep both hands, all ten nails at one time!)

 2)Apply a thin layer of CANNI Base coat to all four fingers and thumb.

3)Place under the light for 60 seconds. (Place four fingers in the light first and cure, then cure the thumb.)

4) Apply a thin layer of CANNI  color coat Polish to all fingers. Be careful not to touch the skin (as that will cause the color to lift). 

5)Place under the light for 60 seconds. (Place four fingers in the light first and cure, then cure the thumb.)

 7)REPEAT Steps 4 and 5 to apply a second coat of color. (Remember to do thin coats!) then move on to step 8.

 8) Apply a thin layer of the CANNI Top Coat to all the fingers. 

 9)Place under the light for 60 seconds. (Place four fingers in the light first and cure, then cure the thumb.)

 10) Nail will still feel tacky or wet after the final curing. Use rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad or ball to wipe each nail. This step is crucial and will dry the nail completely!

And you are done!! Beautiful nails that will last up to 2 weeks! Sometime I like to apply oil to my cuticles if you have it on hand. It helps restore moisture to the skin around your nails! Enjoy your shiny, bright nails!